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Here at CREDO, we're on a philanthropic mission to empower climate justice, economic justice, and civil rights by connecting our members to great mobile service to make this world a better place.


Over 35 years ago — long before it was popular — CREDO pioneered corporate social responsibility by donating our revenue to the causes our customers care about. While other companies go into business to make money, we’re in business to make positive social change.

Just by using our ilanthrproducts and services every day, our customers become philanthropists for the progress they want to see in the world. That’s because we donate $150,000 every month — nearly $2 million each year — to nonprofit organizations working to make the planet a better place for everyone.

Since 1985, we’ve donated over $93 million – with the total growing by millions each year – to groups like Earthjustice, ACLU, Sunrise Movement, Color Of Change, March for Our Lives, the LGBTQ Task Force and Fair Fight Action. We’re proud to be one of Planned Parenthood’s largest corporate donors.

Most of all, we give our customers the option of doing business with a company that shares their values. Unlike other mobile phone companies, we will never fund right-wing causes or politicians. Our customers can feel confident that their mobile phone and service will only support organizations fighting for positive social change


At a Glance


donated since 1985

35 Years

in business

Get Involved
You can VOTE in our Donations ballot, or LEARN MORE about our mobile service by reading our CRED0 Blog.

Vote For This

Here at CREDO, we empower our customers to become philanthropists. That’s because simply by paying their phone bill, every CREDO member creates positive change at no extra cost.

Each month, our members help us distribute nearly $2 million per year. You, too, can have a say by voting for one, two or all three nonprofit groups today!


Thank you! Your support will support AFJAC fight Trump and Senate Republicans attempts to fast-track Trump’s ultraconservative and unqualified judicial nominees for lifetime appointments to our courts.

– Alliance for Justice Action Campaign


CREDO members were with Social Security Works at the beginning, and have been an essential partner as we changed the conversation in America from whether benefits should be cut to by how much they should be expanded. Thank you for standing with us.

– Alex Lawson, Executive Director Social Security Works


We couldn’t do this without you. CREDO members like you make it possible for UltraViolet to create bold, strategic opportunities for women and allies to create a more equtiable world for all women. Thank you for your support.

– UltraViolet